Some interesting resources on topics that come up in my work.

The Protective Power of Nostalgia

Brooks, A. (2023) ‘The Protective Power of Nostalgia’, The Atlantic, 9 March.

Available at: The Protective Power of Nostalgia - The Atlantic

The Last Child in the Woods Louv, Richard. The Last Child in the Woods, 2nd Ed., Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2008

The Surprising Power of Nostalgia at Work

Routledge, C. (2021) ‘The Surprising Power of Nostalgia at Work’, Harvard Business Review, 26 April.

Available at: The Surprising Power of Nostalgia at Work (

4 daily habits of truly happy people Gill, Kristine. (2023) ’4 daily habits of truly happy people’, Fortune Well, 13 August.

Available at: 4 daily habits of truly happy people